KT's Spirituality
Please email KT if you have any questions.
Click here to see the services offered.

KT was raised Catholic, but started questioning everything around the age of 7. Although the bane of her CCD teachers, she stayed at the top of the class and received the sacraments of Baptism, Confession, Communion, and Confirmation (the last was more for her parents than herself).
KT started studying various mythologies when she was 10, and converted to Polytheistic Paganism when she was 16.
She went to Saint John's University and created her own field of study, graduating with a degree in Comparative Religion and Education with a minor in Fine Arts. She was a member of the Campus Ministry, and received the Vincentian Mission Reward for best exemplifying the Catholic Faith out of her entire graduating class.
She also was ordained as a Minister from the Universal Life Church.
During that same time, she practiced as a Solitary Polytheist. After almost 20 years as a Solitary, she joined a Dianic Coven in the Port Richmond area of Staten Island.
She eventually moved up to a Level 3 Witch and then was ordained as a High Priestess in the Dianic Faith.
Because of an unexpected move, she had to leave her Coven and went back to a Solitary existence. Her Solitary Path has led her to help many people of various faiths, and so she chose to stay on that chosen Path.​
Is ULC recognized as legal in the state of Tennessee?
Below are some, but not all, of the ministry services KT provides.
If there's something you're interested in that isn't listed, please contact KT.
KT has a Paranormal Stuff playlist on YouTube!
KT's Ministry Services
"We are all children of the same universe."
Prayer/Drum Circle
Would you like to release some energy into the universe, disperse some potent emotions into the air or celebrate life and other good things? A prayer or drum circle is a great way to accomplish these things. "Circles" can be from one to 10 people. Contact KT for more information.
Honoring the Dead
This doesn't just have to be done on Dia De Los Muertos. The Ritual is used to help the living both connect with and let go of their loved ones who have recently left this plane of existence. It is also used to communicate and bond with a deceased loved one who has been gone for a while. It helps guide a lost soul to the next plane as well. Contact KT for more information.
Other Rituals
KT can lead other rituals, such as funerals, baptisms, new home cleansings, holiday blessings, celebrations of life, confessions, nature attunement, aura alignments, meditations and more. Contact KT for more information.
Comparative Faith Discussion
Also known as a Cell Group, this is a meeting of two or more people of different (or similar) faiths and beliefs to discuss a specific topic in an intellectual, civil way. KT can moderate discussions like this in a private setting or at a convention or festival. Contact KT for more information.
As both an ordained Minister and High Priestess, KT can officiate both weddings and handfasting ceremonies legally in Tennessee. KT can also help with planning details of the ceremony. Contact KT for more information.
Future Trails
The future is written; it can't be changed. But how you reach the end of your Thread of Life is in your control. KT can help you find a way to light the path you're currently on and see if there are any pitfalls nearby. Contact KT for more information.
Email KT for pricing and details